Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Aluminum Parts Safely (2024)

Aluminum’s Softness and Pitting in Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems

Consider the unique qualities of aluminum, which influence its reaction to ultrasonic cleaning.

Aluminum’s Surface Qualities

Aluminum is a soft, lightweight, and malleable metal that makes it susceptible to scratches, dents, and other damage when not handled carefully.

Additionally, when the metal is exposed to air, a thin layer of aluminum oxide forms on its surface. This can easily disrupt the layer, leading to further damage.

Pitting in Aluminum

Pitting is a form of corrosion that occurs in aluminum when exposed under certain conditions.Small, localized areas of metal loss characterize this type of corrosion.

While it can be caused by various factors, pitting in aluminum is most commonly seen in environments high in chloride or other halide ions.

Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems and Aluminum

Ultrasonic cleaning systems use high-frequency sound waves to create a scrubbing action on the surface of the item we are cleaning.

While these systems are very effective at removing dirt and grime, they can also cause damage to softer materials such as aluminum.

The high-frequency vibrations generated by ultrasonic cleaning can cause pitting in aluminum, especially if the cleaning solution is not appropriate for this metal.

For example, acidic or highly alkaline solutions can accelerate the corrosion process and lead to pitting.

To prevent damage to aluminum during ultrasonic cleaning:

  • Use a cleaning solution that is specifically designed for use with aluminum. These solutions are typically neutral or slightly alkaline and do not contain harsh chemicals that can cause pitting.
  • Use a lower frequency for cleaning aluminum. Higher frequencies can be more likely to cause damage to softer metals.
  • Limit the time the aluminum is exposed to the ultrasonic waves. Longer exposure times can increase the risk of damage.
  • After cleaning, rinse the aluminum thoroughly to remove any residual cleaning solution. This can help to prevent further corrosion.

Remember, even with these precautions, there’s always a risk when cleaning delicate materials such as aluminum using ultrasonic systems.

We recommend always doing a small test before fully submerging your parts.

Reactivity of Aluminum With Acidic and Base Cleaners

Aluminum has a high reactivity level, which makes it susceptible to chemical reactions. When using ultrasonic cleaners to clean aluminum parts, consider the reactivity of aluminum with both acidic and base cleaners.

Reactivity with Acidic Cleaners

Acidic cleaners are generally not recommended for cleaning aluminum. The acid can react with the aluminum, leading to corrosion and pitting of the surface.

The reaction between aluminum and an acid results in the production of aluminum salts and hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas can form bubbles that can get trapped in the surface of the aluminum, causing pitting.

However, certain mild acids like citric acid or phosphoric acid may be used under controlled conditions for a short duration to remove certain residues.

Reactivity with Base Cleaners

Alkaline or base cleaners are usually more suitable for cleaning aluminum parts. They can effectively remove oils, greases, and dirt without causing pitting or corrosion.

However, highly concentrated alkaline solutions can also damage aluminum surfaces by causing alkaline etching. This process erodes the material’s surface, leaving it rough and prone to staining.

Therefore, when using alkaline cleaners, it is recommended to use them at a moderate concentration and not to leave the aluminum parts in the solution for too long.

Recommendation: Use a Neutral Cleaning Solution With Controlled Heat

The reactivity of aluminum with acidic and base cleaners requires using a neutral cleaning solution.

  • They do not react with aluminum, ensuring the metal is not damaged during cleaning.
  • Neutral agents are safe to use and do not pose any health risks to the user.
  • Neutral cleaning agents effectively remove dirt, grease, and other contaminants from aluminum surfaces, resulting in a thorough and efficient cleaning.

Also, the cleaning solution’s temperature can affect the reactivity of aluminum.

Higher temperatures can accelerate the reaction, leading to increased chances of damage. So, controlling the temperature when cleaning aluminum parts is essential.

Always test a small area before cleaning the entire part to ensure the cleaner won’t damage the material.

Regular monitoring and adjustments based on observation are necessary to achieve optimal cleaning results while maintaining the integrity of the aluminum parts.

Difficulty in Rapid and Damage-Free Cleaning of Aluminum Parts

Sure, here are some issues that can make rapid and damage-free cleaning of aluminum parts challenging:

  • Sensitivity to Harsh Chemicals: As discussed above, aluminum is a relatively soft metal sensitive to certain chemicals. This can limit the types of detergents or solvents that you can use safely, making cleaning more difficult.
  • Oxidation Issues: Aluminum is prone to oxidation, which can create a protective layer on the surface. While this layer can protect the aluminum from further damage, it can also make cleaning more problematic, as removing dirt and grime is more difficul.
  • Risk of Physical Damage: Due to its softness, aluminum parts can be easily scratched or damaged during cleaning. You must take care to avoid using abrasive materials or techniques.
  • Heat Sensitivity: Also, as previously discussed, aluminum has a lower melting point compared to other metals, making it more vulnerable to high-temperature cleaning methods like steam cleaning.
  • Difficulty Removing Certain Stains: Aluminum can be particularly difficult to clean when it comes into contact with certain substances. For instance, water stains, rust, or tarnish can be particularly challenging to remove without causing damage. Removing heavy oxidation or certain types of chemical deposits from aluminum parts can be a struggle.
  • Need for Post-Cleaning Treatment: After cleaning, aluminum parts often need to be treated to prevent oxidation and future buildup of grime. This additional step can make the cleaning process more time-consuming and complex.

Choose the right industrial ultrasonic cleaners and cleaning solutions to overcome these challenges. Our experts at Crest Ultrasonics and Chem-Crest can guide you on effectively cleaning aluminum parts.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems With Multiple Frequencies

Ultrasonic cleaning systems with multiple frequencies offer several advantages when cleaning aluminum parts:

  • Enhanced Cleaning: Multiple frequencies ensure that your cleaner can remove large debris as well as tiny particles from the aluminum parts. High frequencies remove small and stubborn particles, while lower frequencies are effective for larger debris.
  • Versatility: Systems with multiple frequencies can adapt to different cleaning requirements. This means they can handle a variety of parts with different shapes, sizes, and contamination levels.
  • Improved Penetration: The combination of different frequencies can penetrate more effectively into complex geometries, fine features, and blind holes in the aluminum parts.
  • Improved Cleaning Uniformity: Multi-frequency cleaning helps achieve a more uniform cleaning across the entire surface of aluminum parts. Combining different frequencies distributes the ultrasonic energy more evenly, ensuring consistent cleaning performance throughout the cleaning cycle.
  • Reduced Damage: High-frequency ultrasonic cleaning is gentle and less likely to cause damage to the delicate parts of aluminum. It’s especially beneficial for intricate or sensitive items.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Multi-frequency ultrasonic cleaning systems typically clean faster and more thoroughly than single-frequency systems, leading to efficiency gains and cost savings over time.
  • Better Rinse Effect: Using varying frequencies could promote better rinse effects as high frequencies tend to detach and escort contaminants away from the surfaces you are cleaning.

Remember, the specific benefits can depend on the particular system used and the nature of the aluminum parts being cleaned.

Choosing the Right Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

To choose the correct cleaner, consider the following tips:

  • Measure the dimensions of the largest parts you will clean and select a tank that will accommodate these parts.
  • Pay attention to the power of the ultrasonic cleaner, which should be appropriate for the size of the parts and the level of contamination.
  • Consider the features of the ultrasonic cleaner, such as temperature control, filtration, and automation, which can improve cleaning efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Consider the cost of the ultrasonic cleaner and the potential return on investment in terms of improved cleaning performance and reduced labor costs.
  • Choose a reputable manufacturer with a proven record of producing high-quality industrial ultrasonic cleaners.
  • Consult with our experienced experts, who can recommend suitable systems for cleaning all types of aluminum parts.

Guidance From Ultrasonic Cleaning System Suppliers

Seeking professional consultation from Crest Ultrasonics and Chem-Crest has several advantages:

  • Knowing the challenges: We are well-versed in the difficulties of cleaning aluminum parts with ultrasonic cleaners. We understand the potential for pitting due to aluminum’s softness and the need for a neutral cleaning solution to avoid reactions.
  • Expertise in frequency selection: We can recommend the right frequency for specific aluminum parts. Lower frequencies are suitable for heavily contaminated parts, while higher frequencies are ideal for delicate surfaces.
  • Recommendations on cleaning agents: We can suggest neutral cleaning agents that won’t react with aluminum. We can also advise on additives to dissolve contaminants and shorten cleaning times
  • Selection of suitable equipment: We can help choose the right ultrasonic cleaner, tank, and generator based on the cleaning requirements of aluminum parts.
  • Customized solutions: With our expertise, we can offer tailored solutions that meet specific cleaning needs and ensure effective cleaning of aluminum parts.

Overall, seeking our guidance will provide you with everything you need to make the best decisions for your situation the first time.

What Can Happen If I Use An Inappropriate Cleaning Solution Or Temperature With Aluminum Parts In An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Using an inappropriate cleaning solution or temperature with aluminum parts in an ultrasonic cleaner can result in several adverse outcomes, including:

  • Damage to the Aluminum: Certain cleaning solutions are too harsh for aluminum and can cause surface corrosion, discoloration, or pitting.
  • Decreased Cleaning Efficiency: Using a solution not formulated for aluminum can reduce the effectiveness of the cleaning process, leaving behind residue or contaminants.
  • Thermal Damage: If the temperature is too high, it could cause thermal expansion, leading to deformation or warping of the aluminum parts.
  • Safety Risks: Certain cleaning solutions may react adversely with aluminum, potentially producing harmful fumes or byproducts.

Therefore, it’s crucial to use a cleaning solution and temperature specifically recommended for aluminum when using an ultrasonic cleaner.

Are There Specific Types Of Aluminum That Are More Susceptible To Damage In An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Yes, certain types of aluminum are more susceptible to damage. This includes:

  • Aluminum alloys with high copper content: These alloys tend to be more susceptible to corrosive attack in alkaline solutions.
  • Anodized aluminum: The anodizing process forms a hardened surface that can be damaged during ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Cast aluminum: This type of aluminum is porous and can trap cleaning solution, leading to potential damage.

It’s important to note that while these types of aluminum are more susceptible, any aluminum part can be damaged if you use the wrong kind of cleaning solution or if you leave the part in the cleaner for too long. It’s always best to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the part you’re cleaning and the ultrasonic cleaning system you use.

What Are The Signs That An Aluminum Part Has Been Damaged By Ultrasonic Cleaning?

Here are some signs that an aluminum part has been damaged by ultrasonic cleaning:

  • Discoloration: This is one of the most common signs. The aluminum part might exhibit a color change, often turning darker or duller than its original state.
  • Surface Erosion: If you notice pits, dents, or other surface abnormalities, these could be signs of damage from ultrasonic cleaning. This is often a result of improper cleaning or overexposure to ultrasonic waves.
  • Corrosion: In some cases, the cleaning solution used in the process can cause corrosion if it’s incompatible with aluminum. The part might show signs of rusting or oxidation.
  • Structural Deformation: If the aluminum part has weakened or changed shape after the cleaning, this could be a sign of damage. This usually happens when the piece sits in the ultrasonic cleaner too long.
  • Loss of Detail: For parts with fine details or engravings, ultrasonic cleaning can sometimes cause these details to become blurred or diminished.

Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using an ultrasonic cleaner or cleaning solution.

How Often Should Aluminum Parts Be Cleaned Using An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

The frequency of cleaning aluminum parts with an ultrasonic cleaner depends on several factors, such as the level of use, the type of residue or contaminants present, and the required cleanliness level.

However, a monthly cleaning schedule is often sufficient for general maintenance purposes.

More frequent cleanings, such as weekly or bi-weekly, may be necessary for heavy-use or high-precision components.

It’s essential to monitor the condition of the parts regularly to determine if the cleaning schedule needs adjustment.

What Precautions Should I Take When Handling Aluminum Parts Post-Cleaning?

Here are some precautions that you should take:

  • Always wear clean gloves to prevent oil, dirt, or other contaminants from your hands transferring to the cleaned aluminum parts.
  • Use non-abrasive tools or equipment for handling to avoid scratching the surface.
  • Store in a clean, dry area to prevent recontamination from dust or moisture.
  • Avoid contact with corrosive substances like acids and alkalis.
  • Handle with care to prevent physical damage like dents or deformations.
  • If the parts are meant for assembly, assemble them as soon as possible to minimize exposure to potential contaminants.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to air as it can cause oxidation. If you must store the parts, consider using protective coatings or wrapping them in an anti-tarnish paper or cloth.

Are There Alternatives To Using An Ultrasonic Cleaner For Aluminum Parts?

Yes. Alternatives to using an ultrasonic cleaner for aluminum parts exist – such as manual cleaning, a pressure washer, or employing a parts washer machine.

Yet ultrasonic cleaning often emerges as the wisest decision.

That’s because ultrasonic cleaning offers a level of thoroughness that other methods struggle to achieve, efficiently removing even the tiniest particles of dirt and grime from hard-to-reach places.

Furthermore, it’s a non-abrasive method that won’t damage the aluminum parts.

In addition, ultrasonic cleaners are easy to operate and can clean multiple parts simultaneously, significantly increasing efficiency.

Therefore, despite other cleaning methods, ultrasonic cleaning is typically the most effective and intelligent choice for cleaning aluminum parts.

Can I Mix Different Types Of Metals, Including Aluminum, In The Same Ultrasonic Cleaning Process?

Mixing different types of metals in an ultrasonic cleaning process can pose several risks, including:

  • Different metals generally have different cleaning requirements.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning may not be effective for removing heavy grease deposits or other contaminants that require a pre-wash before ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Some ultrasonic detergents or cleaning fluids may not be compatible with certain metals, such as aluminum, magnesium, copper, zinc, lead, tin, or their alloys.
  • Mixing different metals in the same ultrasonic bath can cause galvanic corrosion, which occurs when two dissimilar metals are in contact with an electrolyte, such as water, and can lead to pitting, cracking, or other forms of damage to the metal surfaces.

We recommend that you avoid mixing different types of metals in the same ultrasonic cleaning process and choose the right ultrasonic frequency and cleaning agent for the specific metal being cleaned.

Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Aluminum Parts Safely (1)

To determine the best ultrasonic cleaning equipment and solutions for your business needs, please contact one of our experts today. You can reach our main office at 800-992-7378. For national and international sales representatives in your area, please click here. For email, please use our contact form.

Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner for Aluminum Parts Safely (2024)


Is ultrasonic cleaner safe for aluminum? ›

Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems and Aluminum

Ultrasonic cleaning systems use high-frequency sound waves to create a scrubbing action on the surface of the item we are cleaning. While these systems are very effective at removing dirt and grime, they can also cause damage to softer materials such as aluminum.

What setting do you use to clean aluminum in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

For many “standard” cleaning jobs, 40 kHz is the recommended setting. As noted above, that is far too low for aluminum. In most cases, the minimum setting for cleaning aluminum is 78 kHz.

What is the best ultrasonic cleaner solution for aluminum? ›

Moderately alkaline solutions (pH 11.0 to 12.5) are great for almost all metals, including cast iron, steel, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc, copper, brass, and tin. They also work well when cleaning glass, ceramics, and most plastic materials.

What not to put in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

The Don'ts

On a similar note, don't spray down the outside of the tank, control box, or electrical box with water or other liquids. If the outside gets dirty, unplug the unit and wipe it down with a clean rag. Never fill the tank of an ultrasonic cleaner with alcohol, gasoline, or any other flammable liquids.

What cleaners should not be used on aluminum? ›

Do not use cleaners containing trisodium phosphate, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, fluorides, or similar compounds on anodized aluminum surfaces. Always test clean a small area if in doubt. Do not attempt to clean hot / heated surfaces - may speed possible chemical reactions.

How do you clean aluminum without damaging it? ›

Vinegar is an effective resource to clean aluminum. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water to create an acidic solution. The solution can then be used in different ways depending on the object being cleaned. To clean and shine an exterior, dip a cloth into the mixture and scrub the object clean.

Do you have to use distilled water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Lastly, it should be known that you can use normal tap water in your ultrasonic cleaner if you wish. Distilled water will provide the same results as tap water, but deionised water may prevent streaking.

Do you add anything to ultrasonic cleaner? ›

An ultrasonic detergent (also called an ultrasonic soap) is added to your ultrasonic bath to aid the cleaning process. While there are some detergents that can be used in a wide range of applications, sometimes a specialized solution (or not solution at all) is necessary.

Can you use soapy water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

In some cases, deionized water may be sufficient, but most applications require an ultrasonic soap. Most detergents are diluted with water before use, with the ratio dependent on a couple of factors including the level of cleaning required and the hardness of the water.

Can I use isopropyl alcohol in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

The short answer almost always is, NO, don't do this. It can be extremely dangerous.

What is the best liquid to use in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

In certain instances a volatile solvent such as IPA, acetone or toluene is recommended for ultrasonic cleaning operations.

Do you use hot or cold water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Heat helps to make the cleaning solution more effective; making the solution less viscous which aids the formation of cavitation bubbles.

Can I just use water in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Sure you can use tap water in an ultrasonic cleaner, or I do in mine. Using purified, or filtered water is typically only necessary with devices that the water goes through a filter, some tubing, or has a lot of small parts the water goes over/through like coffee maker, or a humidifier.

What is best cleaner for aluminum? ›

How do you make aluminum look new again? You will need an acidic solution of hot water and distilled white vinegar, lemon juice, or cream of tartar.

Will an ultrasonic cleaner remove corrosion from aluminum? ›

Ultrasonic cleaning is a highly effective and efficient method of cleaning Aluminum that offers numerous benefits. It is a gentle, fast, and cost-effective process that ensures Aluminum components are free from contaminants and corrosion, making them more efficient, durable, and long-lasting.

Can you use a laser cleaner on aluminum? ›

Aluminum is widely used in metalworking for of its strength and lightweight. When exposed to the humidity and oxygen in the air, a gray oxide layer forms on its surface, acting as a protective barrier between oxygen and the base metal. Laser cleaning is the best solution to remove oxide from aluminum.

What metals can go in an ultrasonic cleaner? ›

Myth #1 – Aluminum can't be used in an ultrasonic cleaner. This myth is entirely false. Ultrasonic systems can handle almost any metal from aluminum to stainless steel to magnesium; even brass and titanium are safe in an ultrasonic system, provided that you use a compatible detergent.


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