Costco's average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit (2024)

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Costco’s average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit BEKIJK OOK: Deze ’draden van God’ zijn ’s werelds zeldzaamste pasta Dit zijn de beste luchtvaartmaatschappijen om business class te vliegen, volgens reizigers: bekijk hier de top 10 Blik op je Geld: huizenprijzen schieten omhoog, maar ook gasprijs stijgt weer ECB-bestuurder waarschuwt dat hardnekkigheid inflatie wordt onderschat Winst Labour bij Britse verkiezingen gunstig voor Nederlandse exporteurs, volgens economen Wat doet de beurs in de tweede helft van het jaar? 5 zaken om rekening mee te houden Air France-KLM geeft omzetalarm af: minder reizen naar Parijs door Olympische Spelen Pas op voor autoverhuurders in Spanje die onnodig extra kosten rekenen voor onder meer verzekeringen, waarschuwt Consumentenbond Nieuwe Frans-Duitse tank voor Europa? Duitsland heeft plan B, als samenwerking met Fransen mislukt door opkomst van radicaal-rechts Familie van Biden wil niet dat hij zich terugtrekt, na desastreus verlopen debat met Trump Groeiherstel van Nederlandse industrie zwakt af in juni door minder sterke vraag Partnerexperts Vacatures #techtalks: Kan slimme technologie je personeelstekort oplossen? Radicaal rechtse partij Rassemblement National weer in opspraak vanwege racisme 5 vragen over de Franse verkiezingen, waarbij radicaal-rechts fors kan winnen Oost-Europese valuta: vooruitzichten voor Poolse zloty en Hongaarse forint beter dan voor Tsjechische kroon Autogigant Geely groeit hard en verkoopt bijna half miljoen wagens in eerste kwartaal – maar BYD blijft Chinese koploper Wordt Gavin Newsom de vervanger van Joe Biden als presidentskandidaat? Dit moet je weten over de gouverneur van Californië Japanse wetenschappers maakten een robot met een levende menselijke huid – zo ziet dat eruit FAQs References


Costco’s average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit

Costco's average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit (1)

Dominick Reuter

Costco's average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit (2)

A line outside Costco in New York City. Foto: Talia Lakritz/Business Insider

  • Costco's more than 875 warehouses around the world brought in $237.7 billion in sales in its last fiscal year.
  • Nearly half of US consumers shopped there at least once last year, according to Numerator.
  • While the typical customer is a white woman in her sixties, Costco is especially popular with Asian Americans.

Every day, thousands of shoppers push their ultra-wide shopping carts through Costco's warehouse doors, collectively spending more than $237.7 billion last fiscal year.

The wholesale club boasts 129.5 million membership cardholders representing households and small and midsize businesses, but which shoppers are the "typical" Costco shoppers?

Here's what the data suggests.

Nearly half of US consumers shopped at Costco at least once last year, with 87% of those visiting two or more times, according to data fromconsumer analytics firm Numerator.

Costco is the third-largest retailer in the US, and its repeat visits are roughly on par with most other big box retailers, but well behindWalmart's 96% repeat rate.

Like most companies in Numerator's panel, Costco's typical shopper is a 69-year-old white woman earning $60,000, which Numerator says is due to them more often being the primary shoppers in their families.

But compared to its peers, the wholesale club is more popular with higher-income millennial and Gen X households. In particular, Asian-American shoppers are even bigger fans of the brand, and are nearly twice as likely to shop at Costco as at another store, according to Numerator's data.

The retailer also consistently leads the pack when it comes to customer satisfaction, though Walmart and Target are gaining ground.

The typical customer visits Costco every two weeks or so — about 30 trips per year — and spends about $100 per trip for a total annual expense of $3,018.

In addition, about one-eighth of her total retail spending is at warehouse clubs, a bit shy of twice the budget that most US households spend in the category.

As it happens, that's exactly how much she needs to spend to earn the $60 in Executive Member reward credits that would offset the cost of upgrading from the basic Gold Star membership.

Compared with other shoppers, Costco members are more likely to be homeowners who love organic foods and actively manage their health.

Costco employs 316,000 people and has more than 875 warehouses around the world, including 751 across North America.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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Costco's average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit (2024)


Costco's average customer shops there at least twice per month and spends around $100 on each visit? ›

The average Costco shopper spends $250 per month

How much does the average Costco customer spend? ›

The typical customer visits Costco every two weeks or so — about 30 trips per year — and spends about $100 per trip for a total annual expense of $3,018.

What is Costco's average daily sales per store? ›

The daily revenue for one Costco store is around $530,000. Costco's total net income was $5.007 billion in 2021. Costco has 804 global stores, with over 500 of those being located in the US.

How often does the average person go to Costco? ›

The average Costco shopper typically visits every two weeks or around 30 times per year.

Why do Asians shop at Costco? ›

In 2022, Asian American households spent an average of $3,741 a year “on food away from home,” while white Americans spent nearly a quarter more, or $4,562. “We like our home cooked food and so we need a bulk amount of items for that and Costco is the place to be,” said Patel.

How much do you have to spend at Costco to break even? ›

To break even on the cost of upgrading your Costco membership, you need to spend $3,000 in a year -- because 2% of $3,000 is $60, which is the price difference between the basic membership and the Executive one. So once you've spent just $3,001, you're ahead financially with the Executive membership.

How much do you have to spend at Costco to get $120 back? ›

Paid Executive Membership 2% Reward
Monthly PurchasesYearly PurchasesApproximate Annual Reward
3 more rows

How many customers shop at Costco every day? ›

The three million shoppers per day who visit Costco stores are some of the most neurologically connected consumers on the planet. Many admit to falling prey to “the Costco effect,” shorthand for spending more than they'd planned to spend.

How much does Costco make a month? ›

Costco Employee Salary in California
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$77,965$6,497
75th Percentile$50,800$4,233
25th Percentile$31,600$2,633

What is Costco's biggest profit? ›

The answer is surprising: Costco makes a profit mainly from membership fees. To shop at Costco, one must possess a membership. This permits Costco to do what no other grocery store could previously do, which is sell their items at a price so low that they break even.

Who is Costco's most common customer? ›

The typical Costco shopper in the United States is an Asian American woman between 35 and 44 years old who is married with a four-year degree (or higher) and earning over $125,000 per year. Costco's next most popular age group is those over the age of 65.

What day of the week is Costco least crowded? ›

Weekdays right at opening

Another day and time customers said they noticed fewer crowds is right at opening, and particularly on Tuesday and Wednesday. "In my experience having lived all over the country, Tuesdays earlier in the day seem to be the best option," one Redditor wrote on a lengthy thread.

Is Costco upper middle class? ›

The average U.S. Costco member has a household income of $100,000, well above shoppers at Target ($89,400), Sam's Club ($86,900), and Walmart ($76,300), according to consultancy Kantar Retail.

What ethnicity are Costco customers? ›

Compared to the average American consumer, Costco shoppers are 81% more likely to be Asian, the data said. This affinity for the warehouse chain isn't a new phenomenon, according to experts.

Is Costco wholesale owned by China? ›

Costco is a Washington corporation, publicly traded under the Nasdaq ticker symbol "COST", with its home office in Issaquah, Washington.

Is Costco Japanese owned? ›

Costco Wholesale Corporation (commonly shortened to Costco) is an American multinational corporation which operates a chain of membership-only big-box warehouse club retail stores.

How much do you need to spend at Costco to make membership worth it? ›

But if your annual spend regularly tops $3,250, you're better off with the Executive Membership. Every additional dollar you spend after $3,250 will bring your annual fee further and further below $65 and end up saving you money in the long run.

How much does it cost to be a Costco customer? ›

Costco membership is $60* a year. An Executive Membership is an additional $60* upgrade fee per year. Each includes a free Household Card. Please include sales tax in all applicable states.

Why do you spend so much money at Costco? ›

One of Costco's general strategies is to keep introducing new products, so shoppers are tempted to spend more. Costco's new CFO Gary Millerchip even admitted to this during the company's most recent earnings call by saying, "You've heard the phrase, people come in to spend $100 and walk out with $300.

Does Costco make most of its money from membership fees? ›

The answer is surprising: Costco makes a profit mainly from membership fees. To shop at Costco, one must possess a membership. This permits Costco to do what no other grocery store could previously do, which is sell their items at a price so low that they break even.


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